New Girl Season 2 (2012) Review

Getting to know the Roommates

About a year has passed since Jess moved in and they’re all settling in together. Jess is in search of a job, Nick got over his ex, Winston is still found a girl, but not a job, and Schmidt is hot on the pursuit of Cece. What happens in Season 2 of New Girl? Let’s find out in my review.

In this season, we definitely get to see more of the roommates. We get to meet Jess’ parents, peek into the brotherly love of the guys, and see the developments of everyone’s love lives. Throughout the season, we follow the on and off nature of Schmidt and Cece.

*** Spoilers ***

Probably the overarching story of the season is Schmidt and Cece’s relationship. At one point Cece pursude Schmidt and at one point it was flipped, it was a roller coaster. Near the end, Cece asked her mom to set her up for marriage. Seeing this, Schmidt of course needed to intervene. First, he tried to make her jealous with his first love. Cutting it close, he was able to stop the wedding, but now he’s got to choose between Cece or his first love.

Along the way we got to see a lot. Winston getting a dream job, Nick meeting a friend who helps him be peaceful, and Schmidt celebrating the his friend anniversary with Nick. One big story that happened by the end of the season is that Nick finally hooked up with Jess.

If you liked the first season, you would love this season even more! The characters develop a lot through this season and we learn a lot more about them. Watching the bromance between the guys is always fun, and cheering on each character’s relationships is always intriguing. Go watch it!


+ Relationships between everyone
+ People get the romance they’ve wanted
+ Funny is funny
