Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Review

Star Wars is back, AHHHH!

Luke Skywalker has disappeared after losing his padawan to the dark side. The First Order has risen in place of the Empire. How will we find Luke? Let’s find out in my review of Star Wars: Episode VII.

We open up on Jakku, where we find Poe Dameron, an ace Resistance pilot, receiving a piece of intel on the whereabouts of Luke. Shortly after, The First Order, led by Kylo Ren, proceeds to raid the village in search of that intel. Poe stashes it into his droid, BB-8, in hopes that it will be safe. Poe soon gets captured by The First Order, as BB-8 escapes.

Back on the Destroyer, we find that one of the troopers, FN-2187 is looking for an escape from his current situation. On Jakku, we find Rey, a scavenger, trying to make ends meet by trading in machine parts for food. Soon, she runs into BB-8, being captured by a local. At the same time, FN-2187 frees Poe and escapes.

Soon, Rey, FN-2187 (Now Finn), and Poe become core members of the Resistance in their fight against The First Order. They also come into the company of Han Solo and Chewbacca. They find out that The First Order has built an even crazier version of the Death Star in the form of Starkiller Base, and the person at the helm is Han and Leia’s son, Ben, or as we know it, Kylo Ren.

*** Warning, Spoilers ***

In the final act, we find The Resistance attacking Starkiller Base, to avoid the destruction of many planets. In a chance confrontation, Han tries to turn Kylo Ren from the Dark Side. To everyone’s dismay, Kylo Ren stabbed and murdered his own father. With this, Rey and Finn are thrown into battle to avenge Han. Eventually, with everyone’s work, The Resistance was able to destroy Starkiller Base. Unfortunately with this outcome, Rey and Finn were unable to finish their fight against Kylo Ren.

Shortly after their victory, Rey finishes her mission in finding Luke Skywalker, and that is where we leave the story, for now.

After years of waiting, I’m pretty sure anyone can say that they are glad for the return of Star Wars. Even with the mixed reviews of the Prequels, I was really excited to see this new one. Up until the release, no one really knew the story of it, or who Kylo Ren was. It was a big surprise to see what happened with Han, but with what was happening with Harrison, I wasn’t surprised at that decision.

I loved practically everything about the movie. The casting, the effects, the direction. For me it was pretty much perfect. Although you can argue that it is pretty much Episode IV in disguise, it still stands on it’s own and that doesn’t hurt my score.

This movie is for anyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned vet, acquainted with the series, or completely new, you can come into this entry with any experience. Please go watch it, rather, watch it multiple times!


+ Awesome Story
+ New and Old Favorite Characters
