Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Review

He’s Finally Home!

The world is changing after the introduction of Superheroes and Aliens. After an attack clean-up crew gets their livelihood taken away from the heroes in charge of the mess, they turn to a life of crime with recovered Alien-tech. It’s up to a local Superhero-in-training to stop them... all while trying to keep up with school and his social life.

Peter Parker is just regular genius high school student, who happened to have been bitten by a radioactive spider and now has super powers. Other than playing superhero, he’s gotta worry about balancing that with hanging with friends, academic decathlon team, and even dating. As he soon finds out, it’s extremely hard to do well with everything at one time, leading to disaster everywhere.

When Peter finds the technology-enhanced villain, Vulture, is behind these dangerous weapons, it proves to be too much for him. The good thing is that Iron Man, Tony Stark, and his assistant, Happy, are there to help him out.

This is the 3rd iteration of the live-action comic book hero, and it was a good one! Tom Holland does a great job bringing the character from the books to life. He’s awkward and antsy, with the mask on or not, it’s a great portrayal. The great thing about the start of this story is that we don’t have to spend a chunk of the movie telling the origins of the powers or kill Uncle Ben. We get to piece this into the MCU storyline right away, another great aspect.

For a while, Sony has had the character wrapped up and Marvel had no access to him or his universe, but because of recent agreements, Marvel gets to finally incorporate him into the MCU, and it’s great thing. I think Marvel’s input really helped bring the character to life appropriately. They definitely placed him in an existing world and modernized the characters with it. One concern for me though, is that I hope that Marvel didn’t change character’s races just for the sake of being diverse, but only time will tell if these characters play bigger roles.

Although I love the new iteration of the character, the pacing gets bogged down at times. It feels that some scenes could have been cut-down and some others could have been cut altogether. I always feel that the genre should have generous amounts of action scenes.

***Warning Spoilers***

I really liked the opening and how it was executed. It walked us through the events of Captain America: Civil War as seen through Peter’s vlog. It introduces us to his dorky personality right away, which sets the tone for the rest of the movie.

The thing I liked most about the film is the unexpected twist in the third act. Even as it was happening, I was still guessing at what the situation was. I won’t give it away, I will just leave it at saying that there is a twist.

I am really excited to see what happens next to the webslinger. You don’t necessarily need to be tuned into the state of the MCU. The movie can stand on it’s own, for the most part. Whether you’re a big comic/comic movie fan, or curious, it’s a great film for any of you.


+ Great Character Portrayal
+ Great Story Elements
+ No Need for Outplayed Origin Story
- Slow Pacing
