Westworld Season 1 (2016) Review

“It begins with the birth of a new people, and the choices they’ll have to make and the people they will decide to become.” - Dr. Robert Ford

Do you like virtual reality? What about alternate reality? Or, what about  a park attraction as a reimagined past time where any human desire can be met, no matter the situation, without any consequences? Welcome to Westworld, a world in which humans come to visit a reinvented western society welcomed by hosts, programmed androids that reenact and repeat their daily narratives.

***Warning: Spoilers***

Based on Michael Crichton’s 1973 film Westworld, HBO’s new, revamped version introduces viewers on a journey between troubled human desires and the creation of emotional driven androids. Beyond the controversial creation of the world and androids, exists the battle between corporate takeover and the unorthodox creative director over the future of the company.

The story revolves around one main, over-arching story while delivering many different sub-narratives to bring it all together. Three protagonists in particular bring the story to a whole; Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood), The Man in Black (Ed Harris), and Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins). Dr. Robert Ford is the Creative Director of Westworld, and has created each ‘Host’ in their own unique way from physical attributes, to emotional characteristics, and giving each host a backstory. The story begins with the Doctor’s first created Host, Dolores Abernathy. Dolores, begins to not “quite feeling herself,” which leads to other hosts also dysfunctioning. The Man in Black, a human visitor, is a regular at the park. His goal, to find where “the Maze” is, which is another part of the park that The Man in Black believes to exist. This poses the greatest challenge that the park has to offer. During this time, the ‘Board of Directors’ begins to try and force Dr. Ford into retirement, while trying to lead the park into a new direction. Yet, the true leader of the hosts is Dr. Ford himself and hosts cannot disobey his orders. Coincidentally, Dolores begins her own adventure to find out why she’s been having these strange feelings. She’s revealed the true nature of her creation all in the dramatic finish to the first season.

HBO isn’t worried about losing viewers once Game of Thrones finally ends. This new show promises to offer the next long lasting epic. With the written creativity of Jonathan Nolan, Westworld compliments the current generation of technology, science, and human-understanding. The show dives into questions relating to our understanding of artificial intelligence, androids, and basic human desires (sex, greed, and power). Performances from Evan Rachel Wood (Dolores Abernathy) and Anthony Hopkins (Dr. Robert Ford) uplifts the shows narrative, giving it the perfect sense of eeriness and mystery. Westworld truly establishes itself enough to promise fans several more seasons to learn more about the world, and possibly more worlds.

Fans of HBO shows like Game of Thrones, The Leftovers, Boardwalk Empire, and True Detective will come to love Westworld. Westworld contributes science, conspiracy, betrayal, and mystery all into one new epic that guarantees to keep the audience entertained. If you’re needing to spend a day binge watching a show, this would be the perfect show. Westworld returns for season two in 2018.


+ Stars Evan Rachel Wood and Anthony Hopkins brings the show to life and leads fans on this strange, eerie narrative.
+ Thanks to Jonathan Nolan, the writing is pure genius with so many twists and turns.
+ The production value is a masterpiece, spanning from a fake western world to a real futuristic, technologically advanced world.
+ The cinematography is very close to a Game of Thrones look, making it all look very real.
+ The length and the storytelling can be confusing at times, but it leads you to the end of the series where it all comes together.


Edited by Robert Olarte & Jovan Williams